
Haven’t posted here in a while! Do you have an IG? Mine is jess.kimbal And that’s where I post nowadays! Still working hard! Love you, friends!
Yoooooooo dawg
Behold, the exact moment that I realized that I was stuck at the bottom of a snatch.
YALL!!!! Hello. Have a great day!!
In case you were wondering, YES I am legitimately stuck. *had to have a friend help me unroll from this stretch so my body wouldn't break.* If nothing has made you laugh today, I hope this does!
"When the sun rises, I wake up and chase my dreams. And I won't regret when the sun sets, because I live my life like I'm a beast." -Rob Bailey
Maximum effort squat day: ended the whole workout with front squats at #135 to fail. I could take as long as I wanted but I couldn't drop the bar. I got 30 reps, everyone! Haha then my legs gave out. But that's ok. Failing isn't always a bad thing.
Never underestimate the power of each small step you take towards your goals, because those small steps, however weak or tiny they may seem, add up. And in time, step after step, you might just shock the world with how far you've journeyed.
I don't know what came over me but when I was working out, I was more excited about eating broccoli later than I was about eating ice cream. What is life, everyone? What is life.
Unflexed feeling fineeee! For some reason my progress has halted, so I am going to change up my macro ratios and see if I can get some abs for once!
A swole bro came up to me and was like, "Girl, you sure you put the right amount on that bar? 255 is too much for a girl your size." I politely smiled, did 6 reps and he said no more.
Sitting in the locker room cuz 5 minutes ago I stopped my workout. It was hard/ I didn't want to do it. BUT, I remembered that I didn't sign up for only the easy days. This isn't an effortless journey, but it's one I'll fight for. I'm going back in!!
I JUST BENCHED 155 FOR 5 SETS OF 6 REPS AND I AM SO EXCITED. I'm trying to figure out how to post training videos. I don't understand technology so those may or may not ever happen.
So while I was eating my pb&j this morning, Jesus gave me an idea. Stay tuned for official details, but I want to email weekly encouragements/challenges out during the month of October.Happy Sunday!! (p.s idk why the picture is sideways)
Power, strength and boldness are not things that we can only get by striving for our entire lives. Those qualities are part of who you are. So today, instead of trying to do 1,000 things to gain boldness, tap into the lion that's already in you!
Today marks the end of #mynextlevel challenge. I did all I wanted to do...I wanted to love my body on a new, HUGE level.
I will be weird and different and I will not care what people think. Be different today. It's fun.
In a perfect world, bumper plates would be made out of sprinkle donuts and after every PR you can eat the donuts and be happy.
LEFT: Photo taken AFTER I had gained 10 pounds back in recovery from anorexia. RIGHT: Trying to recover from Binge Eating Disorder. MIDDLE: Happy as a clam, free of eating disorders, full of excitement for life. Powerful at every stage.
I can never think of good captions for my pictures.
I'm baaaaaaack!! I went to the gym today for the first time in forever and I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT IT.
I've been sick and haven't worked out in three days BUT my super powers don't turn off just because I can't workout so I'm still feeling super awesome 24/7